Could CBD be the Solution?

Earlier this month, I attended the NYC Retails & Sales Pet Expo from the comfort of my sofa as it was being held as a virtual event due to the Covid-19 situation. The event was hosted by ‘The Pet Lady’ Dana Humphrey and Nancy Hassel of American Pet Professionals who spent the interviewing several interesting people from within the Pet Industry. My ears pricked up when Nancy Volin of  was speaking about her range of CBD chews for dogs and I thought to myself ‘Why don’t we have those here in the U.K?’ as, in my opinion, this could be a very useful product. Particularly at this time of year. Please take a look at their FAQ section too which I found a very interesting read.

Having researched the health benefits of CBD for animals, I learned that this product can, of course, have a calming effect but can also help with the distress of dementia and joint pain. Further investigation of the American Kennel Club website revealed an article based on the findings of their Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Jerry Klein, which suggests that CBD can help control seizures, relieve pain, particularly neuropathic pain, it has anti-inflammatory properties, cardiac benefits, anti-nausea effects, appetite stimulation, anti-anxiety effects and possibly anti-cancer benefits although there is no conclusive data.  There are many articles available to read online which suggest that there could be further health benefits including skin conditions and some behavioural issues and not just for dogs! It’s suggested that horses and cats could safely use CBD based products too.

CBD based products, including oils, are available in many European countries, even our neighbours in Ireland can buy it for their beloved pets. So why not here? I tweeted both the Scottish and UK Governments but have not received any acknowledgement. Unsurprisingly. I know they’re a bit busy with other matters right now but should that change I’ll let you know via the Facebook page. The UK Government full stance on the matter can be found here but in short CBD products for animal use require a marketing authorisation before they can be sold or supplied in the UK. Currently no such products have been granted a UK veterinary marketing authorisation.

Every year we hear of multiple deaths relating to firework use and this year with organised displays cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic there was a huge increase in ‘at home’ celebrations. In addition, of course to the impromptu fireworks being set off well before and after that we pet parents have to try and prepare for. As usual, my little Pixie has been wearing her Thunder Shirt from 5pm onwards since mid October, been taking Zylkene tablets every day and taking ‘calming’ chamomile treats and still shakes uncontrollably with fear. I confess that I went against guidance and went elsewhere for Bonfire Night as I refuse to make her suffer the worst of it and I’m glad that I did as I’m told that our neighbourhood resembled a bad night in Baghdad. I’m not putting her through that only to become another statistic.

This year, we pay our respects to all the beautiful animals who suffered and died. Hope, the 7-month-old Zebra at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in Bristol, who bolted and collided with the boundary of her enclosure. Her post-mortem concluded a sudden impact caused her immediate death. Mikka, the 7-year-old Whippet from East Kilbride, who died in the early hours of the following morning when her heart stopped having spent the previous evening in a very distressed state. And rabbits Bramble and Martha from Flint who are believed to have died from a heart attack and a broken heart respectively. We also learned of a horse called Dettori in Aberdeenshire who lost an eye due to a firework hitting him in his beautiful face.

If the Governments within the UK refuse, despite the numerous petitions which go rejected, to put restrictions on the sale of fireworks such as organised displays only or silent/quiet fireworks only, is it not time we were allowed to explore alternatives such as the calming hemp chews available from Pampered Pets USA? I would like to see further research done in this area so that we are in line with other countries and can provide a potentially life changing and life saving natural product for a whole range of conditions safely for our beloved companion animals.