The Scottish Pet Bereavement Counselling Service is committed to handling your personal data in a secure, confidential and transparent manner in adherence with GDPR (in effect from 25th May 2018). We collect data in a number of ways but never share or sell your information to third parties. This is with the exception of where legally we must share information (eg for duty of care, legal/criminal investigation or for tax purposes).

The data we collect

When you enter into a contract with us, we store your contact form with your personal data – name, address, email.

We never share or sell lists to third parties.

When you visit our website, we use Analytics to collect information about visitor patterns. The information is general statistics like which part of the website you looked at, how far down you scrolled, how often people visit. This is done whilst retaining your anonymity.

Disclosure of information
We never disclose your personal information to anyone unless we are required to by law.

Access to personal information we hold
You have the right to access and view any information we hold about you at any time. This can be requested at any time. Please email to make a request.

Length of time we hold on to data

Contracts will be destroyed/deleted after 1 year from a case closing.

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please email